Bedtime with Meena’ is a stop-motion animated short about a 7-year-old Meena who decides to explore the world under her bed.
This project explores the concept of poverty from a child’s perspective. It is inspired by my experience of befriending marginalized children and not understanding the social stigma around it. India accounts for 30% of all children living in extreme global poverty. Most of them don’t live longer than 18. ‘Bedtime with Meena’ aims to teach younger audiences about impoverished children in a bedtime story. I made an aesthetic choice of creating puppets and sets with scraps of fabric, yarn, and buttons. Almost 90% of the resources used in this project were made from recycled materials, making the production of this film much cheaper than originally planned. I aimed also to have a wide variety of textures throughout the fabric to appeal to the tactile senses of children. My overall goal was to create something informative, but also something whimsical and playful.